INSIDIOUS DISEASE – debut new death ripper track ‚Betrayer‘

Norwegian death metal horde INSIDIOUS DISEASE, featuring current/former members from DIMMU BORGIR, MORGOTH, NILE, SUSPERIA and NAPALM DEATH, have announced their first album in a decade, "After Death," will be released on October 30th with Nuclear Blast. Pre-orders are available now and the band has just unleashed a lyric video for a skull-crushing new track titled ‚Betrayer.‘

Watch the lyric video for ‚Betrayer‚ here:

Commenting on the new track, vocalist Marc Grewe says, "’Betrayer‘ kicks in straight away and has a quite remarkable hookline and a riffing that kicks you right into the balls. We can’t wait to play that song live again, which we did already a couple of times, and even if fans didn’t know the song yet, it always got a great response and people freaked/moshed out to it! Lyrically, it deals with stuff everybody has experienced: Getting fucked over/ betrayed by people you actually once trusted/loved to the fullest… this can be girlfriends/boyfriends, bandmates, friends or even family… It was a good cathartic event for me when writing these lyrics… from that feeling of total disappointment into anger and finally to expressing it via a song, that channelled all those negativity into something positive!”

Earlier this year the band announced the record’s impending arrival with the vicious single ‚Enforcers of the Plague‘. Watch the visualizer here:

Sonically inducing a depraved and morbid condition of the mind, INSIDIOUS DISEASE will return in 2020 to present their second full length album. Freshly signed to Nuclear Blast Records, the band convenes to create a modern venture into classic death metal. Still in the early stages of existence with only their debut album “Shadowcast (2010)” preceding, INSIDIOUS DISEASE are ripe with a hellish energy that seeks to sear its way across the universe of heavy metal. “It’s not supposed to be re-inventing the wheel or anything, it’s just about finding a good groove that we feel comfortable with,” explains Silenoz.

Pre-order your copy of "After Death" in the format of your choice here:
Pre-save the album on Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer:

"After Death" Track Listing:

1. Soul Excavation
2. Betrayer
3. Divine Fire
4. Unguided Immortality
5. Invisible War
6. Born Into Bondage
7. Enforcers of the Plague
8. An End Date For The World
9. Nefarious Atonement
10. Secret Sorcery

Marc Grewe – Vocals
Silenoz (Dimmu Borgir) – Guitar
Cyrus (Susperia) – Guitar
Shane Embury (Napalm Death) – Bass
Tony Laureano (Devil’s Highway) – Drums

For More Information:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Nuclear Blast Tonträger Produktions-und Vertriebs GmbH
Oeschstr. 40
73072 Donzdorf
Telefon: +49 (7162) 9280-26
Telefax: +49 (7162) 24554

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