SmartStore AG and nexoma GmbH create new standards for digital business

Today’s business world demands effective presentation and marketing of products and services in the digital space. A powerful alliance between a robust E-commerce platform provider and a reliable IT company forms the foundation for entrepreneurial success. The remarkable partnership between SmartStore AG and nexoma GmbH will drive the digital transformation of companies.

The Partnership between Smartstore and nexoma

The collaboration between SmartStore AG and nexoma is based on strong technological cooperation. Through this, companies can optimally present their products across various channels and deliver an outstanding customer experience.

One of the core components of this partnership is the crossbase standard interface. This enables companies to extract data from various sources, such as ERP systems, and create catalogs. Integration with marketplaces and seamless XML file import is also possible with SmartStore’s Catalog Express solution. Companies can centrally manage their product data and present it through APIs.

Product Management with PIM

Another outstanding feature of Smartstore is the seamless integration of a Product Information Management (PIM) system. Nexoma’s PIM Competence Center offers consultation and system integration for PIM projects. SmartStore’s PIM solution facilitates the optimal organization and provision of product information for E-catalogs, print media, retailers, or portals. Processes are streamlined, workflows automated, and resources freed up.

Nexoma’s data aggregators ensure that the wealth of plugins and product information in the shops remains up-to-date. Nexoma’s experts are pioneers in data communication, continually developing innovative solutions for digital transformation. Through the partnership between SmartStore and nexoma, businesses can keep their product information consistently current.

Flexibility for Tailored Solutions

Smartstore offers a multitude of possibilities for individual customizations, whether in local retail or online sales in the industrial landscape. Smartstore’s adaptability allows for swift and uncomplicated implementation of tailored solutions, eliminating the need for time-consuming and costly projects. This positions Smartstore as a cost-effective "made-to-measure" option among E-commerce platforms.

Outlook on the Future

"A shop and marketplace solution based on an open-source platform sounds intriguing. Both the technological orientation and, particularly, the feature-rich scope of SmartStore have convinced us. We aim to shape the future alongside SmartStore AG and its clients and eagerly anticipate our collaborative efforts," shares Fabian Fischer, responsible for Sales, Marketing, and Business Development at nexoma.

The partnership between SmartStore and nexoma presents companies with a unique opportunity to propel their digital transformation forward. SmartStore’s powerful E-commerce software and nexoma’s expertise in data communication and digital transformation empower companies to effectively showcase and market their products.

Über die SmartStore AG

Smartstore ist die führende Open Source DXP Enterprise Composable Commerce Plattform der ASP.NET Welt und bietet B2B, D2C, B2C sowie Enterprise Marketplace Lösungen.

Seit 1999 konzentriert sich die SmartStore AG auf kundenorientierte Geschäftsmodelle, egal ob es sich um die Erstellung von Content, den Aufbau von Websites, E-Commerce oder Personalisierung handelt. Mit den hochmodernen Cloud-Lösungen von Microsoft können Sie mit Smartstore innovativ sein und sich darauf verlassen, dass Ihre geschäftskritischen Prozesse zuverlässig funktionieren.
Vor Ort, in der Hybrid-Cloud, Multi-Cloud oder Edge.

Smartstore Vorteile: Flexibilität, die Zuverlässigkeit von Open Source und der API-First-Ansatz in Kombination mit Headless und den flexiblen Microservices der Microsoft Azure Cloud-Plattform, die aus mehr als 200 Komponenten und Services besteht, ermöglichen es Ihnen, Ihre aktuellen Herausforderungen zu meistern und den Weg für die Zukunft zu ebnen.

Neben dem Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Dortmund zeichnet sich die SmartStore AG zudem durch international agierende Technologie- und Lösungspartner sowie eine weltweit vernetzte Community aus.

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Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Rückfragen an:
Herr Maurice Dörrer

Tel: +49 231 5335-0
Fax: +49 231 5335-101
SmartStore AG
Kaiserstr. 63-65
44135 Dortmund

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

SmartStore AG
Kaiserstraße 63-65
44135 Dortmund
Telefon: +49 (231) 5335-0
Telefax: +49 (231) 5335-101

Maurice Dörrer
Marketing und PR
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